André Butzer shows new silkscreen prints at Niklas Schechinger Fine Art in HAMBURG.
Opening: 19th of March 2011
Show runs till: 16.04.2011
"He should cook a soup out of himself."
Pettersson and Findus
Der Frechinger, schon wieder ein neuer Laden.
PICO BE and HANK SCHMIDT IN DER BEEK show their ROCK'N'ROLL PEOPLE exhibition at Niklas Schechinger Fine Art, Berlin:
Saturday, 5th of MarchAdalbertstr. 73 (rear) Berlin
19 - 21 pm (please come early)
Live music by Lorenz O’Toole & Oska Wald (CHUCKAMUCK).
(On Manday 7th of March the show travels to the PUDEL-Club, Hamburg.)